Debunking Indoor Air Quality Myths

Indoor Air Quality

There are few things in the world we take for granted more than fresh, contaminant-free air. When you have it, you don’t have to think about it. When you don’t have it, however, it becomes a big problem. What’s more, many of the causes of bad ...

Posted by Chris | January 18, 2021 | Reading Time: 2 minutes, 54 seconds

There are few things in the world we take for granted more than fresh, contaminant-free air. When you have it, you don’t have to think about it. When you don’t have it, however, it becomes a big problem. What’s more, many of the causes of bad air quality, such as clogged filters or fungus growing in a duct can take a while to develop. As your indoor air quality gets slowly worse, your nose and other senses slowly get used to its effects. You may not even notice anything is wrong until things have gotten pretty bad. Professional indoor air quality testing in Edmonton is, of course, the only way to be absolutely sure of the quality of your air.

But when is a test necessary? With all the assumptions and misunderstanding floating around about indoor air quality, we at Modern Air & Water want to debunk a few of the following myths that people believe about the subject: 

Opening a window is the only way to get fresh air

We’ll say that this one is half true. Of course, if the air outside is fresh and you open a window, you’ll get fresh air. Some people think, however, that stale air in the winter when you can’t open a window is simply inevitable. Realistically, all the “fresh” in “fresh air” means is that there are no harmful contaminants in it. A quality filter in your heating system can remove contaminants and, in fact, be more efficient at producing fresh air than the uncertainties of whatever air floats your way on the breeze.

All cleaning products I can purchase must be safe

Some people think that if vendors are allowed to sell a cleaning product then it must be generally safe for any human use. This is very much untrue. There are a lot of very powerful cleaning products on the market, and using them in an unventilated area can severely and quickly affect indoor air quality.

New properties must have fresher air than old properties

You’d be surprised how often people with new property assume that because the building is new there can’t be any problems with it in any way. This is, of course, untrue. The air in your property wasn’t created by the construction company and is just as likely to have contaminants as any other place.

    Woman opening a white window at home with a clear blue sky in the background.    Assorted cleaning products, including sprays and wipes, displayed on the counter.    Newly constructed home for sale in a suburban residential neighborhood.    Pink scented candles arranged on a white wooden surface.

Scented candles are a great way to get rid of smells

Scented candles are nice and relaxing. They don’t, however, clean air. They simply cover up smells. In fact, they can often add chemicals and smoke to your indoor air circulation.

Only people with pre-existing breathing problems should worry about air quality

Of course, if you have a pre-existing condition, you should be particularly aware of your indoor air quality. That doesn’t mean that everyone else should ignore it. Allergies can develop in any of us at any time and there are contaminants that affect everyone. Professional indoor air quality testing in Edmonton should be on everyone’s to-do list.

Walterdale Bridge, a suspension bridge spanning the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. At Modern Air & Water, we prioritize providing our customers with the best, freshest air possible.

Edmonton’s Trusted Source for Professional Indoor Air Quality Testing

At Modern Air & Water, we want all of our customers to be confident they’re getting the best, freshest air they can. That’s why we offer indoor air quality testing for residential and commercial properties throughout the Edmonton area. Contact us today to find out more about air quality testing or any of our other services.